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Office of Diversity & Inclusion

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Inclusive Excellence

包容性卓越旨在为所有人注入多样性和包容性 大学的各个方面,确保多样性和包容性是必不可少的 the mission and success of every area of the university. The IE Framework allows each 单位的大学,以审查当前的业务和有意地计划一个战略 to identify and support DEI initiatives within the unit. Inclusive Excellence views 多元化、公平和包容是TCU社区每个成员的责任. 一个多元化和包容的校园会带来创新、开阔的视野和理解, 价值观是高等教育的基础,也是TCU的重要组成部分 strategic plan recommendations, Vision in Action: Lead On.

Inclusive Excellence Toolkit

该工具包和评估旨在促进我们校园的包容性文化 and in our community.

Using the toolkit
该工具包由三个部分组成,可帮助您的单位改进其包容性实践 Excellence:

  1. Inventory/Assessment
  2. Analysis
  3. Action

View Toolkit

Inclusive Excellence Framework

包容性卓越框架(IEF)为校园和社区提供了一个结构 initiatives related to TCU’s goal of Inclusive Excellence. The IEF is based on six 反映有组织的方法和配置以保持进度的组件 toward the goal of Inclusive Excellence:

  1. Equity and Access
  2. Campus Culture
  3. Curriculum
  4. Learning and Development
  5. Community Engagement
  6. Institutional Infrastructure

在确定具体目标时,应利用这六个组成部分中的每一个。 推动和促进多元化和包容性工作的举措和战略 that support the achievement of TCU’s mission of inclusive excellence.

包容性卓越框架的六个组成部分提供了需要反思的问题 作为一个单位、部门或个人,应该用来指导特定的目标, initiatives, and strategies.

Inclusive Excellence Framework graphic 

所有组成部分(学生、教师、员工、校友、志愿者)的公平和准入 is essential to achieving a diverse, equitable, and inclusive campus. What opportunities 是否被提交给选民,目前的结构中存在哪些差距?

  • How do we recruit our constituents?
  • How do we provide support to those who are here?
  • 我们如何依靠传统方法招聘(学生/员工)?? How have we updated our practices to address our current and future needs?
  • 谁从这些已建立的过程中受益,谁被排除在外,他们应该如何受益 processes be modified or should they be eliminated?
  • 我现在有什么资源或者可以重新分配来解决公平,获取, and success initiatives?

bc体育驱动着个人对社区的感受、认知和行动. What is the experience for students, employees, and other constituents? What does it feel like to be on this campus, in a class, or as a visitor? Our goal should be 协调校园活动和流程的包容性实践,包括内部 在课堂之外,为了确保所有人都感到受到欢迎、重视和尊重, and included.

  • Who are we including or excluding when planning?
  • 我们采取了哪些最佳做法来确保个人感到受欢迎、受重视, and respected?
  • Are we living up to the mission of the university? How is this being evaluated and by whom?
  • What data do we have to identify areas of growth and improvement?

课程、教学法、研究和学术各自表达原则和观点 related to DEI. Diversity and Inclusion learning opportunities are designed to promote 在这些领域的跨文化能力作为本科生和研究生准备 to enter the workplace. How do curriculum and other academic endeavors infuse diversity, equity, and inclusion?

  • How does our pedagogy model inclusive teaching practices?
  • 我们的教学如何照顾到学生不同的社会身份和背景?
  • 我们课堂的设计、教学、评估是如何刻意培养的 一个所有学生都被公平对待的环境,有平等的学习机会, feel welcomed, challenged, and supported?
  • 我们如何在课堂上增加跨文化能力的概念?
  • Are we encouraging research and collaboration across these topics?
  • How do we increase course offerings that are rooted in DEI?
  • Is access to additional academic opportunities shared equitably?

学习和发展包括为社区成员提供教育机会 为了探索能够提高我们对多样性主题认识的观点和概念, equity, and inclusion. By enhancing our learning opportunities, we assist in improving the overall campus community by encouraging inclusive environments. Workshops and 以DEI为重点的培训对学生、教师、员工和管理人员都有好处 in personal and professional development.

  • What co-curricular DEI opportunities are offered to your unit?
  • 什么DEI学习和发展机会的需求是具体到你的单位?
  • How are learning and development opportunities advertised and encouraged?
  • What is the impact of our learning and development for your unit?
  • How are you accessing and monitoring what individuals have learned?

社区参与包括为弱势群体提供更多进入校园的机会 社区中的群体通过建立联系的途径和培养一种意识 belonging. 我们如何与沃斯堡建立和维持有目的的、相互的伙伴关系 社区,特别是那些有大量未被充分代表的群体的社区?

  • 我们是否参与了历史上被边缘化和代表性不足的社区 at TCU?
  • 我们如何建立伙伴关系,为社区DEI挑战创造解决方案?
  • 我们对外联和参与的监督、衡量和设定期望做得如何 with underserved populations?
  • What impact do we have in diverse communities in surrounding areas?

制度基础设施指的是政策、程序和问责制 方法、沟通、绩效衡量和组织结构 university. 我们应该建立一个制度基础设施,加强DEI,基于 on the concept of shared accountability. Inclusive Excellence is reviewing infrastructure as an organization and also unit structures.

  • How do we develop and improve policies and procedures that support DEI?
  • How are we accessing and monitoring our progress?
  • 我们如何定期和透明地与利益相关者就进展进行沟通 of DEI?
  • 我们如何建立支持和分配人力资源(结构,财务) to reach goals?



多样性反映了广泛的身份和观点(种族、民族、 性别,性别认同,性取向,社会经济地位,国籍,宗教信仰 beliefs, age, and disability status). Greater diversity produces more robust, creative, 以及学术和学术过程的相关成果,学术和社会规划, and community engagement.


公平正在为历史上未被充分代表的人创造平等的机会和成功 populations. 它需要积极主动的步骤来识别、处理和消除系统性 barriers in order to promote meaningful transformation and progress.


当一个社区的所有成员都感到受到欢迎、尊重和重视时,包容性就存在了 同时认识到每个人都是独特的,并承认彼此的差异 social identities. Inclusion requires listening to other viewpoints and embracing differences. 被包容和联系的感觉提升了参与感和归属感 for everyone on campus.